Retain Top Talent
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Retain Top Talent
Hiring top talent is only the start. Now you have to work hard to keep your very best talent. Most companies stink at structured and systematic retention of their top performers. Discover how to prevent turnover and keep your best people.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 7, 2019 1:08 AM!

5 Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Valued

5 Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Valued | Retain Top Talent |
As a manager, it's important to make your employees feel valued.Career advice for women, Best careers for women, Career tips for women...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Just a few simple elements can dramatically affect your culture and employee engagement. A big one that most companies are terrible at is showing gratitude. You could pat people on the back, write emails, put them on a pedestal when they do something spectacular, and basically treat them with respect. 


Why do most managers struggle with showing gratitude toward their team members, and continue to be abusive, obnoxious, indifferent, mean, and dripping with sarcasm?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 30, 2019 4:50 PM!

Why It Pays to Invest in Employee Engagement

Why It Pays to Invest in Employee Engagement | Retain Top Talent |
Here’s why CFOs should add eNPS to their existing repertoire of top business metrics.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

If these metrics and statistics don't set every hair on the back of your neck standing - they should! Is there any doubt about the link between employee engagement and customer satisfaction?


Why then do we continue to ignore putting written, specific, action plans together to raise employee engagement? Is it too squishy of a concept, do we not know what to do, or do we still doubt the correlation?


Are you using eNPS to validate your employee engagement level?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 30, 2019 4:40 PM!

What Are The Main Drivers Of Job Satisfaction In The U.S.?

What Are The Main Drivers Of Job Satisfaction In The U.S.? | Retain Top Talent |

Insightlink employee satisfaction data from more than 30,000 workers across many industries."

Barry Deutsch's insight:

This survey from AKA is not dramatically different form the work Gallup has done - there are some variations - but it's in line with the most common drivers of engagement and satisfaction. A large number of these items are around boss-subordinate communications.


As I mentioned in another article recently, most managers and executives are terrible - perhaps horrific - at communication with their teams. What's the good news - is a teachable skill? The bad news is that barely anyone is scratching the surface in helping managers and executives be better communicators with their teams.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 30, 2019 4:25 PM!

New Study Shows Surprising Links Between Salary, Stress And Employee Engagement

New Study Shows Surprising Links Between Salary, Stress And Employee Engagement | Retain Top Talent |
Do soft skills matter more than salary, stress level, or company culture? New survey results point to surprising answers.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Chris makes a very good point here about the importance of listening and the correlation to engagement or disengagement - whether it be in team meetings, problem-solving sessions, or giving feedback.


My personal experience is that most managers/executives DO NOT know how to listen to employees. It's a learned skill. Many CEOs assume that their management team members must have decent listening skills since they carry a management title. NOTHING could be further from the truth.


If this is an important criterion for engagement, and it's a learned skill - why are we NOT training managers to be outstanding at listening?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 30, 2019 12:45 PM!

Low marks for performance reviews

Low marks for performance reviews | Retain Top Talent |
Annual assessments can be wildly inaccurate — not to mention soul-crushing. Here’s why the ritual, dreaded by managers and the managed alike, falls short, and what might work better.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Are you still stuck in a 1970s model of performance reviews? Most studies show these are worthless exercises to motivate, engage, and boost outstanding performance. If that's the case, why are you still conducting annual performance reviews?


This is a good article reviewing some of the research, problems, and issues of annual performance reviews, and the challenges of moving to a different model, such as regular monthly coaching one-to-ones between managers and subordinates.

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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Learning and HR Matters
April 20, 2019 8:35 PM!

5 Essentials for Developing People

5 Essentials for Developing People | Retain Top Talent |
Why would I invest in developing people? What if I invest in developing my people and then they leave? What if you don’t invest in them and then they stay?

Via Roger Francis
Barry Deutsch's insight:

It's bordering on comical when CEOs and executives say "why should I invest in training when I'm just preparing them for a job in another company".


Is this your philosophy about training and development? Or is your organization up on a pedestal for your investments in training and developing people? Have you done any formal survey work to discover why people join your organization or leave? How much is related to developing, training, coaching, and helping people realize their dreams?

Barry Deutsch's curator insight, April 20, 2019 8:31 PM

I hear this constant debate about managers and leaders. My perspective is that every job at a management level - department head, team leader, director, vice president - has elements of both.


However, where most fail is not around have a strategic vision, and it's not around the inability to technically grasp their job. It's on the people management side of effectively hiring and retaining an outstanding group of people who become a high performing team.


Is that management or leadership?

Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Learning and HR Matters
April 20, 2019 8:31 PM!

5 Essentials for Developing People

5 Essentials for Developing People | Retain Top Talent |
Why would I invest in developing people? What if I invest in developing my people and then they leave? What if you don’t invest in them and then they stay?

Via Roger Francis
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I hear this constant debate about managers and leaders. My perspective is that every job at a management level - department head, team leader, director, vice president - has elements of both.


However, where most fail is not around have a strategic vision, and it's not around the inability to technically grasp their job. It's on the people management side of effectively hiring and retaining an outstanding group of people who become a high performing team.


Is that management or leadership?

Barry Deutsch's curator insight, April 20, 2019 8:35 PM

It's bordering on comical when CEOs and executives say "why should I invest in training when I'm just preparing them for a job in another company".


Is this your philosophy about training and development? Or is your organization up on a pedestal for your investments in training and developing people? Have you done any formal survey work to discover why people join your organization or leave? How much is related to developing, training, coaching, and helping people realize their dreams?

Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 20, 2019 7:47 PM!

Top Six Tips For Instilling Pride in High Performing Teams

Top Six Tips For Instilling Pride in High Performing Teams | Retain Top Talent |
Our observation is that instilling pride in teams largely depends on the quality of attention to key aspects of this collaborative process.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I came across this article right after I published my LinkedIn Pulse article on Selfless behavior in teams as one of the core interview elements. Here is an article that helps reinforce that idea. If these concepts work with the best performing sports teams, the Seals, and other exceptional teams - why can't they work in a corporate setting?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 16, 2019 12:15 AM!

When Employees Feel Grateful, They’re Less Likely to Be Dishonest

When Employees Feel Grateful, They’re Less Likely to Be Dishonest | Retain Top Talent |
According to new research.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This is interesting research out of HBS linking gratitude and dishonesty. So many of my clients ask how to measure honesty in the interview. Perhaps, instead of focusing on honesty, we should focus on what people want to feel gratitude and appreciated.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 6, 2019 11:21 PM!

Job Satisfaction and the $1Trillion Problem

Job Satisfaction and the $1Trillion Problem | Retain Top Talent |
Businesses are losing vast amounts of money due to voluntary turnover. Could talking to employees about their job satisfaction prevent them from leaving?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Biggest issue regarding employee voluntary turnover - 

Not knowing how to talk about job satisfaction

Are you training your managers how to have this discussion with their team?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 6, 2019 8:56 PM!

Great Teams Start With Trust

Great Teams Start With Trust | Retain Top Talent |
The key to getting the most out of your team’s productivity is their trust in you as a leader. All great teams start with trust.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting article on building trust with your team. The article dicusses 3 tactics to build trust - counter-intuitive to most managers regarding understanding team member personal lives.


One of the most important elements of employee engagement and retention is the quality of the manager. An enormous part of that relationship hinges on trust. Are your managers using these tactics to build trust?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 21, 2019 8:17 PM!

Employee Disengagement and the Problem of Workplace Complacency | The Engage Blog

Employee Disengagement and the Problem of Workplace Complacency | The Engage Blog | Retain Top Talent |
Employee disengagement is a huge concern for businesses in 2019. Only 21% of the workforce is very engaged, yet most employees plan to stick around.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This article should be raising the hairs on the back of your neck about your workforce - what action steps are you going to take to engage the 80 percent who are just getting by doing the minimum necessary so you'll tolerate them without firing?


Just did a couple of workshops on this subject with 2 groups of CEOs and Key Executives in Honolulu - little bit of a shock over the need to engage folks and actively retain people. Are you ready to start losing some of your best talent? The issue is not as much about finding people now as it is about keeping people.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 15, 2019 1:13 AM!

This CEO Has a Near-100 Percent Employee Retention Rate. Here's the Fascinating Reason Why

This CEO Has a Near-100 Percent Employee Retention Rate. Here's the Fascinating Reason Why | Retain Top Talent |
HR, CEOs, and managers want to keep employees happy. But promotions, work/life balance and wellness strategies can fall short. Try empathy.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

How revolutionary - empathy - caring - listening. Why don't more managers do it?


Do you think it's an intuitive ability or one that can be coached and trained?


Do you measure empathy - caring - listening when evaluating managers. Why do we make the false assumption that if you carry a manager title, you must obviously have these traits?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 7, 2019 12:51 AM!

3 Ways performance management can engage employees

3 Ways performance management can engage employees | Retain Top Talent |
It is clear that by redefining the performance management system, managers can transform disengaged employees into highly engaged team members.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

There is a strong link between performance management and employee engagement - particularly around the idea of defining clear expectations.


Why do so many companies ignore this fundamental element of both performance management and employee engagement? Is it too hard? Do they not know where to start? Do they not care?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 30, 2019 4:46 PM!

5 Steps To Leading Teams to Peak Performance - People Development

5 Steps To Leading Teams to Peak Performance - People Development | Retain Top Talent |
Leading teams that achieve peak performance have a common purpose, vision and goals so people can derive meaning, motivation and fulfilment
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I liked the focus in this article around how to drive peak performance in teams. Clarity and Purpose are two of the most important that I've seen.


I do a lot of work with non-profits - their boards and committee chairs. I find that frequently people on teams in non-profits do not have a clear sense of purpose, direction, outcomes, scope. This is highly disengaging in volunteering time when there is a lack of clarity. It gets amplified when you're being paid for work and it's your job.


It can sound trite at the surface level - but are really providing a written level of specific, clear outcomes, expectations, goals, deliverables, metrics, and performance desired?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 30, 2019 4:28 PM!

11 Mind-Blowing Statistics on Employee Happiness [Infographic]

11 Mind-Blowing Statistics on Employee Happiness [Infographic] | Retain Top Talent |
How many people are actually happy at work? Check out these stats that will have you rethinking your employee engagement strategies.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Great infographic around employee engagement, happiness, and satisfaction. The free food one was a surprise - not sure I buy into that being important criteria - but the other items - right ON!


How can you begin an engagement program right now to stop your employees from thinking about "Is the grass greener somewhere else?"

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 30, 2019 4:07 PM!

Most Employees Don't Hate Their Jobs

Most Employees Don't Hate Their Jobs | Retain Top Talent |
They Just Don’t Care About Them...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The vast majority of your employees just don't care about their job, the company, or their teams. They are just coping with getting by each day doing the absolute minimum of work that you'll tolerate to allow them to keep their jobs.


This FORTUNE article is consistent with the primary research from Gallup on employee engagement, and most other studies.


What are you doing to combat this apathy, low productivity, and terrible attitude? Do you have a specific written engagement and retention plan to dramatically boost productivity, engagement, and employee satisfaction (remember - there is a direct correlation with employee engagement and productivity/customer satisfaction)?


Is now the time to start moving the bulk of your employees from the category of "I don't care" to "I care deeply?"

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 20, 2019 9:02 PM!

Here's How Google Knows in Less Than 5 Minutes if Someone Is a Great Leader

Here's How Google Knows in Less Than 5 Minutes if Someone Is a Great Leader | Retain Top Talent |
After years of study, Google uses a few simple questions to identify the company's best leaders.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The author (whom I follow and respect) infers that this is a Google original idea. It's not! Furthermore, figuring this out in an interview is NOT a five-minute issue as the article headline proclaims. It takes hours to understand a manager/leaders ability to hire and retain a high performing team. There is NO simple solution or answer to get at it.


This is the core of the work that Gallup did and then published in their book "First Break All the Rules" (if you are in management this should be required reading - right after my book on hiring)


Almost all of the work in  HR, employee engagement, and retention stems from this groundbreaking research that Gallup did a number of years ago.


One of the most important elements of that entire research was the idea that employees want to know what is expected of them in measurable terms.


Would you say that every employee in your organization has clear, objective, measurable results, outcomes, metrics, deliverables that are written and agreed to by both the employee and their immediate manager?

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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from New Leadership
April 20, 2019 8:32 PM!

Management or Leadership?

Management or Leadership? | Retain Top Talent |
Organisations underestimate the difference between management or leadership. There is a common quality that separates them

Via Roger Francis
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I hear this constant debate about managers and leaders. My perspective is that every job at a management level - department head, team leader, director, vice president - has elements of both.
However, where most fail is not around have a strategic vision, and it's not around the inability to technically grasp their job. It's on the people management side of effectively hiring and retaining an outstanding group of people who become a high performing team.
Is that management or leadership?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 20, 2019 8:11 PM!

Driving Employee Engagement on Your Sales Team | LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Driving Employee Engagement on Your Sales Team | LinkedIn Sales Solutions | Retain Top Talent |
The importance of employee engagement on the sales team is growing in the era of modern selling. Are you taking steps to improve it?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This article came off the LinkedIn Sales Blog - but it's applicable to all teams, not just the sales team. One of the key points in the article is about spending time listening to employees talk about their personal lives, anxiety, how it affects them, and what they are doing to stay sane under pressure. Your employees want to know you care deeply about them as a person (one of the most important elements of engagement and retention) by listening deeply and frequently to them.


What's in your managerial bag when it comes to listening to personal issues and stories with your team?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 18, 2019 12:21 AM!

Essential Qualities Of Good And Bad Leadership - People Development

Essential Qualities Of Good And Bad Leadership - People Development | Retain Top Talent |
This article discusses the essential qualities of leadership from a number of perspectives.  It also discusses what we mean by bad leadership. 
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Good articulation of the key elements of leadership, a nice review of good/bad traits, and tools to help improve the development of leadership qualities.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 8, 2019 12:50 PM!

The Modern Shape and Trends of Employee Culture

The Modern Shape and Trends of Employee Culture | Retain Top Talent |
Peter Drucker (1909-2005), the late Austrian-born management consultant, once famously said that culture eats strategy for breakfast — i.e., while a sound business plan is excellent, nothing is more important than a company’s culture.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Loved the quote from Drucker about Culture Eating Strategy.


Do you have a defined culture? What are the 3-5 key elements of initiatives that reinforce that culture - whether it be praise and gratitude tactics or healthcare/wellness plans?


No culture - or one that your employees make up - is a real problem in being able to attract and keep better people.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 6, 2019 9:39 PM!

Council Post: Why An Employee Engagement Strategy Is Vital To Your Business

Council Post: Why An Employee Engagement Strategy Is Vital To Your Business | Retain Top Talent |
In engagement-centric organizations, you're likely to see stronger Net Promoter Scores, higher retention rates, more innovation and better financial performance.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

71 percent of employees indicating they would leave their current employer for a better job?


The author suggests you need a employee engagement strategy to prevent your best employees from leaving. The vast majority of companies I work with have NO process, structure, plan, or strategy to deal with employee engagement.


The approach of most companies appears to be "if employees show up for work, they must enjoy (be engaged) with their jobs.


What's your strategy?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 4, 2019 8:39 PM!

Employee Engagement on the Rise in the U.S.

Employee Engagement on the Rise in the U.S. | Retain Top Talent |
U.S. worker engagement has tied an 18-year high, with 34% now saying they are enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The good news is that employee engagement is on the rise - I'd like to think it's because I've been sounding the alarm for the last few years.


The bad news is that over 50% of your workforce is disengaged - they just don't care. They barely show up and do the minimum necessary - huge opportunity for most organizations.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 18, 2019 1:59 AM!

Seth Meyers gives LinkedIn his advice on retaining employees —

Seth Meyers gives LinkedIn his advice on retaining employees — | Retain Top Talent |
The comedian shared his tips on "Hello Monday," a new LinkedIn podcast.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Seth Meyers breaks the mold holding people in a traditional box around their job - he actually encourages and supports side gigs and opportunities to spread their wings and realize their dreams while still working for him.


Are we moving in this direction with the younger generation?


Are we stuck in a mindset about careers and jobs based on 1970s assumptions?


Can supporting employees taking on other assignments outside of their job with you only work in creative fields - or can it be broader across more traditional disciplines like HR or finance?


I'd love to hear examples of bosses and companies that are supportive of helping their employees achieve their dreams.

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