Retain Top Talent
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Retain Top Talent
Hiring top talent is only the start. Now you have to work hard to keep your very best talent. Most companies stink at structured and systematic retention of their top performers. Discover how to prevent turnover and keep your best people.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 31, 2024 8:00 PM!

The Future Of Leadership In The Remote Workplace

The Future Of Leadership In The Remote Workplace | Retain Top Talent |
Leadership in a hybrid world requires a slightly different skillset or, rather, the same skills applied in a different way.
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 30, 2024 12:48 AM!

How to Build a Strong Company Culture in a Hybrid Work Environment

How to Build a Strong Company Culture in a Hybrid Work Environment | Retain Top Talent |
Use these seven strategies to build and maintain a strong company culture in a hybrid work environment.
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 29, 2024 2:56 PM!

Employee Engagement Activities to Get Employees Involved

Employee Engagement Activities to Get Employees Involved | Retain Top Talent |
From time-tested classics to totally new techniques, here are a few helpful ideas for employee engagement activities that really work.
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 28, 2024 5:28 PM!

The Value Of Professional Volunteerism

The Value Of Professional Volunteerism | Retain Top Talent |
Volunteering with professional organizations or the community requires a mix of personal passion, professional expertise and a desire to impact change.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

How much do you encourage, role-model, and reward employees for volunteering within their professional arena, or in the area of their community with non-profit/civic organizations?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 16, 2024 12:53 PM!

5 Unconventional Ways to Boost Remote Work Culture

5 Unconventional Ways to Boost Remote Work Culture | Retain Top Talent |
Five innovative approaches to boost employee engagement and appreciation in remote work settings...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The question I've got is how hard do you want to work on creating an outstanding company culture - one that brings great employees to your doorstep and makes it very tough for people to consider leaving. Very few companies put even an ounce of effort into creating an outstanding culture and work environment. The results and impact form this effort are exceptional. Why are most companies so resistant to wanting to improve their culture?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 6, 2024 4:33 PM!

Is Your Leadership Team Failing Your Employees?

Is Your Leadership Team Failing Your Employees? | Retain Top Talent |
Here are three steps to help you move in the direction of becoming a better leader.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

My most successful clients thrive on building these components into their workforce  - particularly around communication and feedback. Most companies are horrible at these two basic fundamental elements of "hearing" the members of your team or workforce.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 5, 2024 6:00 PM!

What Middle Management Needs In 2024

What Middle Management Needs In 2024 | Retain Top Talent |
Middle managers face several challenges this year. Here's what middle management needs from their organizations to be empowered in their roles in 2024.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The biggest problem with your middle management who are supervising the bulk of your employees is that most of them have no clue how to coach, engage, lead, motivate, and drive higher levels of effort and performance.


Why do they not know how to do this - because you don't teach, coach, explain, role-model, and help them to become outstanding as managers in your organization. Gallup indicates this is 70 percent of the equation for what engages your workforce or turns them off. Every dollar you spend on improving your middle managers has a high leverage of 10X return.


Why do so many companies invest so little in their front line managers?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 1, 2024 5:58 PM!

How To Keep Employees Motivated & Connected To Your Business’s Mission

How To Keep Employees Motivated & Connected To Your Business’s Mission | Retain Top Talent |
Maintaining high levels of employee motivation is a challenge all business leaders face, but the good news is there are a number of steps that can be taken to influence it.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I'm going to suggest that less than 10 percent of my clients do a good job on these two elements of creating a mission oriented culture and nurturing persona/professional goals. Is it any wonder why turnover rates are so high?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 25, 2024 4:56 PM!

4 Consequences of Neglecting Employee Engagement

4 Consequences of Neglecting Employee Engagement | Retain Top Talent |
Employee engagement is exactly what it sounds like: the health of the relationship between your workforce and management.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

More productivity comes out of engaged employees than those who are disengaged. Are you constantly monitoring your level of engagement and using metrics and KPIs to improve that fundamental element of keeping and motivating your workforce?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 21, 2023 10:58 PM!

20 Effective Employee Retention Strategies for 2024

20 Effective Employee Retention Strategies for 2024 | Retain Top Talent |
Here are 20 effective employee retention strategies for 2024. Read our strategies to know how you can hold on to your talented workforce.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here's the stunner quote from the article:


"It is reported that 43% of employees are bored at their current jobs. These employees feel that the company is underutilising their skills and talents, and the company lacks opportunities for them to hone their skills. Once the employees start feeling disengaged, they are more likely to seek other employment."


How rigorous are your initiatives around developing, training, and leveraging employee capabilties?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 21, 2023 5:01 PM!

Innovate Or Stagnate: Lessons From Steve Blank On Future-Proofing Your Business

Innovate Or Stagnate: Lessons From Steve Blank On Future-Proofing Your Business | Retain Top Talent |
Steve Blank is a seminal figure in the world of startups and innovation. His future-proof lessons for your business are not to miss.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I stumbled across this article and it resonated for me. Most of my clients evolve through a slow and methodical change process that tends be incremental and minor from year to year. Very few of my clients take risks, make mistakes, challenge the status quo, innovate, and encourage creativity. Are you stagnating, slipping backwards, or slowly dying because of a culture that values protecting the status quo?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 18, 2023 8:44 PM!

Three Best Practices For Solving Employee Disengagement In 2024

Three Best Practices For Solving Employee Disengagement In 2024 | Retain Top Talent |
In today's highly differentiated workforce, companies need to position themselves to effectively attract, retain, develop and promote their people.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

"According to Gallup’s annual engagement survey, employee engagement is declining for the first time in a decade"


Are you planning on being a victim in 2024 and allowing these trends to negatively impact your hiring and recruiting - OR are you taking the initiative to put programs in place to boost employee engagement and retention?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 1, 2023 1:15 PM!

Are You Using Your Company Data To Your Hiring Advantage?

Are You Using Your Company Data To Your Hiring Advantage? | Retain Top Talent |
In a world where hiring and retaining top talent is a constant challenge, businesses must recognize how to better utilize their HR data.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Another good article from Forbes online talking about using data analytics in the HR function to improve hiring, recruiting, onboarding, and employee engagement. Besides the data analytics piece, the article lays out some of the tools and technology available for companies to more effectively manage their business. Interesting statistic is that a recent study shows less than 7 percent of all companies effectively using these tools.


In today's climate, every company is a technology company   - are you looking around the corner at all the wonderful tools and apps that help you more effectively manage your workforce?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 30, 2024 12:52 AM!

Uncovering Leadership Blind Spots: The Impact of Executive Coaching

Uncovering Leadership Blind Spots: The Impact of Executive Coaching | Retain Top Talent |
Learn how executive coaching helps leaders identify and overcome blind spots, enhancing self-awareness and team effectiveness.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

We could all use a great coach - why do so many high performing former athletes succeed - because one reason is that they had a great coach supporting them. Same thing applies in the corporate world - your key executives need a coach. How many of your key execs are self-aware of their blind spots and have an active plan to overcome those blind spots that might be limiting their success or imipact?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 29, 2024 3:00 PM!

Five Steps To Getting Your Employees Actually Excited To Come To Work

Five Steps To Getting Your Employees Actually Excited To Come To Work | Retain Top Talent |
By leading with authenticity and compassion, you can create a workplace where employees are not just satisfied, but truly excited to come to work every day.
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 28, 2024 5:31 PM!

CEOs Can Make or Break a Positive Workplace Culture. Avoid This Fate By Following These Tips.

CEOs Can Make or Break a Positive Workplace Culture. Avoid This Fate By Following These Tips. | Retain Top Talent |
Establishing the company's core values, purpose, vision statement and value proposition is just the first step in building a positive workplace culture.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Probably the number one element that attracts, motivates, and keeps employees is your culture. I'm currently working on a program called "Culture by Design" that I will soon lay out in the Vistage Community. It lays out an organizational framework for building, sustaining, and improving a culture outside of the CEO's personality.


Most organizations don't have a good/bad culture - they have NO culture. This is an enormous lever to boost success. How hard are you willing to work on building a class A level culture?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 1, 2024 5:40 PM!

Playing Together: Making Work More Like a Game

Playing Together: Making Work More Like a Game | Retain Top Talent |
Using techniques developed by gaming companies, businesses are seeing an increase in overall employee engagement, capturing the curiosity and passion of their workforce.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Are you building gaming into recruiting, on-boarding, and employee engagement? If not, you might be missing an important tool - especially among the younger generations.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 16, 2024 12:50 PM!

Building A High-Performing Culture Starts With Employee Engagement

HR leaders must understand the value of engaged employees to help ensure business success.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Some of the elements of engaging employees and boosting retention are so fundamental and basic - I'm shocked that so few companies do it effectively. What's holding you back from appreciating people in your business and helping them develop into better employees?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 6, 2024 4:30 PM!

AI Can Improve Employee Recognition and Workplace Satisfaction

AI Can Improve Employee Recognition and Workplace Satisfaction | Retain Top Talent |
You can now rely on AI to boost your employee engagement and award recognitions based on deeper, more consistent analyses.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Have  you explored how AI might help in improving hiring, recruiting, employee engagement, retention, and performance management? Lots of opportunity for data collection and analytics to improve the quality of your workforce. Are you an early adopter of technology or a follower?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 2, 2024 5:13 PM!

16 Employee Engagement Podcasts To Listen To In 2024

16 Employee Engagement Podcasts To Listen To In 2024 | Retain Top Talent |
Here are the best employee engagement podcasts I'd recommend for HR professionals to learn the latest employee engagement strategies.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I'm always on the hunt for good resources on learning around hiring, engagement and retention, and performance management. Here is pretty decent summary of some of the better podcasts available for employee engagement.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 1, 2024 5:56 PM!

Why Hope Matters for Leadership Success

Why Hope Matters for Leadership Success | Retain Top Talent |
Being a hopeful leader and moving forward with a clear vision can make your team's and company's future better and give you some ideas on how to do it.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting article on what makes a good leader. My experience in my executive search practice is that pessimists are not good leaders because they tend to be demotivating to their team. Also, I don't agree on the generic statement that optimists can't be effective leaders. Having a positive outlook on the future doesn't mean your head is in the clouds. The biggest problem in choosing people is understanding how they navigate their pessimism/optimism under pressure. If you're not testing for these traits and asking probing questions around them you run the risk of hiring the wrong person.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 25, 2024 4:54 PM!

Avoid The Family Fallacy: Prioritize Culture For Employee Engagement

Avoid The Family Fallacy: Prioritize Culture For Employee Engagement | Retain Top Talent |
Many organizations want a "family" atmosphere where workers are encouraged and cared for. However, executives must avoid confusing the two: Companies are not families.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This is aimed at many of my family and entrepreneurial businesses that try to create a "family style" culture and how caring for workers as human beings and being family oriented are not the same thing. Some good insights here for many who are struggling to define their culture outside of the CEOs personality. #Vistage

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 21, 2023 5:10 PM!

New Hires Still Entertain Job Offers—Here’s What To Do About It

New Hires Still Entertain Job Offers—Here’s What To Do About It | Retain Top Talent |
To ensure that your new hires make it to day one and beyond, adopting an early onboarding mindset may be your key to success.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Recent research in a 2023 Gartner study found that 50% of candidates who accepted a job offer would ghost their employer before their start date. A key contributor to this is a lack of pre-employment engagement.


How do you fix it?


By having a comprehensive pre-start date engagement with the candidate to help them realize they just made the best decision of their life to join your company. 


Accelerating on-boarding, assigning projects learning, bringing them into team meetings, sending a box of merch/welcome gift are just a few of the things you can do in the 2 week period before they start.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 21, 2023 4:58 PM!

20 Ways To Create Engaging Internal Newsletters

20 Ways To Create Engaging Internal Newsletters | Retain Top Talent |
An internal newsletter can be a powerful tool for organizations to increase connectedness among employees and departments.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

One of the most simple tools to reinforce your company culture is a good newsletter. Do you have someone publish this every few weeks or once a month - maybe highlighting employee volunteerism in the local community, giving a high five to an employee who went beyond the call of duty for a customer, or perhaps a specific element of your culture?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 18, 2023 8:42 PM!

How Companies Can Engage Their Frontline Workers And Save On Costs

How Companies Can Engage Their Frontline Workers And Save On Costs | Retain Top Talent |
How can companies better engage their frontline workers, and why can engagement help organizations save on labor costs?Answer by Sean Behr, CEO, Fountain...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Why do so many companies ignore or minimize their on-boarding process? It's one of the first steps to effective employee engagement and retention. The articles states that " 23% of employees left their jobs during the first six months, adding they would have stayed longer if they had received more effective training."


My most successful clients have outstanding on-boarding programs for new employees.

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