Retain Top Talent
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Retain Top Talent
Hiring top talent is only the start. Now you have to work hard to keep your very best talent. Most companies stink at structured and systematic retention of their top performers. Discover how to prevent turnover and keep your best people.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 6, 2021 3:20 PM!

3 Steps to Building a Connected Remote Work Culture

3 Steps to Building a Connected Remote Work Culture | Retain Top Talent |
Remote work provides flexibility and work-life balance, but can also lead to misalignment among teams. Learn how to build a connected remote work culture.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Good reminders about managing with a hybrid or remote workforce = key points of being intentional about cultural issues/change, feedback, and ensuring employees are connected to your purpose - that they matter.


I've been talking about these issues in my Vistage Workshop on Managing Remotely in a Crisis for 9 months - yet companies seem to be very slow to adopt some of these basic elements. Why? Are they too fuzzy, no one available to lead the charge, or the CEO doesn't buy into creating a great remote workforce culture?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 22, 2020 12:51 PM!

3 Tenets of a Strong Remote Culture

3 Tenets of a Strong Remote Culture | Retain Top Talent |
Leading consulting firms like McKinsey have done it for years. Here’s what they’ve learned.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Good article on ideas of working and managing remotely. We're not all McKinsey-type companies, but there may be a few nuggets we can take away from this article - as work evolves toward permanent remote or a hybrid environment.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 21, 2020 6:22 PM!

Retention Attention: Metrics and Best Practices That Up Your Retention Game

Retention Attention: Metrics and Best Practices That Up Your Retention Game | Retain Top Talent |
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I am huge proponent of metrics and KPIs to determine are your initiatives having an impact. Here are some ideas for measuring retention and related scores.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 18, 2020 1:35 AM!

Should the Chief Happiness Officer be your next hire?

Should the Chief Happiness Officer be your next hire? | Retain Top Talent |
More and more businesses are hiring a Chief Happiness Officer. What is it and where does it come from? And more importantly, do you need one?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

At first I had to laugh at this article - but then it hit me: Shouldn't your HR person be the individual tasked with ensuring employee happiness - along with employee engagement, employee satisfaction, employee learning and development, employee experience?


Why do we need to hire or contract with someone when that should be our chief people person? The issue is if you're not a big enough organization yet to support a full time senior professional HR person who drive these initiatives, what's your options? You could hire a "fractional" or part-time HR exec that supports you one day a month or one a week to drive these initiatives and set the programs up. Don't let your size or lack of a full time permanent person stop you from moving foward on the critical initiatives that dictate high or low productivity.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 16, 2020 2:39 PM!

Slack Is the Right Tool for the Wrong Way to Work

Slack Is the Right Tool for the Wrong Way to Work | Retain Top Talent |
If Slack, which improves a fundamentally flawed approach to collaboration, is worth tens of billions of dollars, imagine the value in fixing the underlying problems.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I've have been recommending using a messaging app like Teams or Slack in my workshops on Managing Remotely in a Crisis to replace the informal collaboration that naturally occurs when we are all in the office together. Here's an interesting take on Slack given Saleforce's acquisition of the company.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 15, 2020 1:51 AM!

Why employers need to recognize employees

Why employers need to recognize employees | Retain Top Talent |
Since remote workers are "out of sight, out of mind," some employers may neglect formal recognition. That's a mistake, experts say.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This is exactly what I am seeing over the last 6 months at many of my clients - a decline in employee engagement activities like celebrations, fun, team building, recognition, one-to-ones - all because your team members are out of sight - out of mind.


We should be doing the opposite - and reinvigorating our efforts around engagement, recognition, automony, development, training, coaching, mentoring - all the activities and initiatives that lead your employees to want to lean in and show discretionary effort like proactivity, initiative, doing more than asked, being inquisitive, problem solving VS. just trying to survive and do the minimum so they can stay on your payroll system.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 10, 2020 3:44 PM!

Employee engagement - a year of 's top stories

Employee engagement - a year of 's top stories | Retain Top Talent |
A collection of employee engagement articles that will help you identify and address employee engagement issues before they hurt productivity.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

My takeaway from this article about improving employee engagement was that it starts with good management. Unfortunately, in many of the companies I've been invited to help with retention, engagement, hiring, and performance management strategies, the sad truth is that many of your managers have no clue what it means to be a good manager.


No one has ever given them sophisticated training on being a great manager, no one has ever mentored them to improve their game, and most managers lack the proactivity and initiative to go above and beyond to learn on their own.


The result is that a signficant portion of your workforce (50 percent) is disengaged and showing you minimal levels of productivity - just enough so they don't get fired. It's a shame that most organizations don't come close to realizing their potential since their management team is so weak in the skills of managing - most likely along the lines of being unconsciously incompetent.


Is it time to pivot and relook at the process of developing your managers through a new lens of boosting engagement and productivity. How could you afford not to train, develop, and coach?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 9, 2020 8:49 PM!

Malcolm Gladwell’s 3-word reminder to stop you from overthinking

Malcolm Gladwell’s 3-word reminder to stop you from overthinking | Retain Top Talent |
Do you have a strong habit of overthinking? If so, consider the 3-word reminder directly from Malcolm Gladwell to help you squash it.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I usually don't share personal improvement type stories, but I couldn't help myself with this one. This could be one of the greatest development issues for most of my clients, friends, and family members. Many times we are paralyzed by analysis - rumination and overthinking. Just do it as the Nike motto asserts in their ads.


Take action, be innovative, try new things, pivot in a new direction.


I've done a lot of coaching with my clients during the Covid crisis. Most executives have a mindset of protecting what they've created and not wanting to "rock the boat". Unfortunately, drastic changes require drastic pivoting, which requires action. Most of the executives I encounter have put their heads in the hands are praying things eventually return to pre-mid-March levels. You and I both know that's never going to happen. So the big question is: What's your first drastic pivot move?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 9, 2020 3:52 PM!

15 remote employee recognition ideas to build a culture of appreciation

With everyone working remotely, expressing appreciation, and giving recognition to your employees are more important than ever. Here are 15 ideas to recognize employees in a meaningful way....
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I've been spending a fair amount of time in my recent consulting with clients talking about non-monetary reward and recogition programs. Next to defining success, this is the second most important issue of driving employee engagement and productivity - showing apprecation.


Do you have a systematic and rigorous process embedding appreciation into the fabric of your culture?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 3, 2020 2:43 PM!

Onboarding And Learning App Benefits

Onboarding And Learning App Benefits | Retain Top Talent |
Onboarding employees doesn't need to be a difficult process. Read this article to learn all about the benefits of an employee onboarding app.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Every organization today is a digital organization. Helping your employees to be successful through the use of apps like Slack, Teams, Basecamp,, and others can help you rapidly improve process for workflow, performance management, hiring, and employee engagement.


One area getting recent attention are apps that improve the onboarding process. I guess I should first say that most of the companies I consult with have an onboarding process that is still stuck in the 1970s which basically is having new employees watch videos and having them fill out HR paperwork.


Not having a robust app to drive onboarding can result in starting off on the wrong foot - and moving your new employee from excited to disengaged within days.


What's your next step to improve your on-boarding process?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 3, 2020 2:30 PM!

7 Strategies to Promote Your Recognition Program

7 Strategies to Promote Your Recognition Program | Retain Top Talent |
Just having an employee recognition program in place isn't enough. You have to promote the program regularly to make it appealing to your employees.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Many of my clients lament about how their recognition and reward programs are not embraced with a high degree of passion from their workforce. In probing deeper, I usually discover that the primary reason is a lack of marketing and promotion. Like any other initiative, taking the attitude of "if we build it they will come" is not a particularly sound strategy. Are you struggling to generate a high level of passion around your employee reward and recognition programs?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 30, 2020 2:01 PM!

These Simple Changes to Your Performance Reviews Will Make More Effective Employees

These Simple Changes to Your Performance Reviews Will Make More Effective Employees | Retain Top Talent |
Make these performance management improvements to boost your employee's strengths and your bottom line as well.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I'm in the middle of preparing a one-hour talk for Vistage Groups and companies on Performance Management and Feedback. Here is good article I came across in my research that summarizes a few key points about an effective review-feedback process.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 27, 2020 12:33 PM!

An in-depth guide to conducting employee one-on-ones

An in-depth guide to conducting employee one-on-ones | Retain Top Talent |
An in-depth guide to conducting effective one-on-ones for increased employee engagement.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

As many of you know, I believe the 1-to-1 is the best tool for managing performane, engaging employees (driving productivity), and creating a culture of empathy/caring. No tool on earth comes as close as a good 1-to-1. Here are some ideas in addition to my postings on what makes for agood 1-to-1.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 22, 2020 4:08 PM!

How to revamp your remote onboarding process for 2021

How to revamp your remote onboarding process for 2021 | Retain Top Talent |
Human Resources and Workforce Management News...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I get a lot of questions in my workshops about on-boarding - particularly about remote on-boarding. Here's a good resource with some ideas to consider for your next hire.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 21, 2020 6:25 PM!

7 Employee Engagement Tools to Help You Increase Engagement

7 Employee Engagement Tools to Help You Increase Engagement | Retain Top Talent |
Take your employee success strategy to the next level with the right employee engagement tools and learn the importance of an integrated solution.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Although the article ends with a ptich for their services, I like the list of suggestions that might improve employee engagement. Not sure this is an all encompassing list - and it's mostly centered around performance/feedback/goal setting type issues. However, most companies are not coming close to fulfilling these most basic of employee engagement criteria.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 18, 2020 1:39 AM!

Employee Experience: Combining Performance Management and Learning

Employee Experience: Combining Performance Management and Learning | Retain Top Talent |
Let’s consider how integrating the right performance management technologies and culture can help organizations create a comprehensive employee experience.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Lots of buzz around this idea of the "employee experience". I liked this article for the recommendation they make about integrating learning and development with performance management - instead of looking at these two elements as completely separate. 

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 16, 2020 2:43 PM!

Council Post: Performance Management: Employee Accountability

Council Post: Performance Management: Employee Accountability | Retain Top Talent |
At their most primitive, reviews offer documentation of company communication to the employee. At their best, however, they facilitate an ongoing conversation between supervisor and employee.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting article in Forbes regarding the annual performance appraisal process. I've been recommending in my workshops on Feedback and Performance Management that companies should kill this sadistic exercise and move toward regular coaching conversations. The problem is that most managers don't know how to coach - so their focus is on highlighting the negatives in the annual performance review. Why don't we teach our managers to coach?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 15, 2020 1:56 AM!

Employee Recognition Mistakes To Avoid

Employee Recognition Mistakes To Avoid | Retain Top Talent |
According to a recent study, 80 percent of employers have some type of employee recognition program in place.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Almost all of my clients have some element of a recognition program in place. This article does a great job pointing out the mistakes and errors many employers make in launching or managing these programs.


Are you guilty of any of the recognition program mistakes or errors listed in the article?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 10, 2020 3:48 PM!

Recognition Fuels Engagement: Downloadable Infographic

Recognition Fuels Engagement: Downloadable Infographic | Retain Top Talent |
See how recognition truly powers engagement —and what you can do about improving it in your own organization.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Nice infographic regarding non-monetary rewards and recognition to stimulate employee engagement. Lacking a rigorous process for appreciation, recognition, and gratitude is the number two reason why so few of your employees are engaged, motivated, and productive. The number one reason is a lack of helping your employees understand what's expected of them in clear precise language.


How rigorous is your reward and recognition process. Shoot me a note and I'll send you the matrix we've created that allows you to gain a quick snapshot of where you stand on the spectrum of having an effective process in place.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 9, 2020 8:54 PM!

The secrets to efficient 1:1 meetings

The secrets to efficient 1:1 meetings | Retain Top Talent |
1:1 meetings are a great tool for improving productivity and employee satisfaction. Their concept is fairly clear – regular talks between team leaders and their subordinates to discuss progress on goals, satisfaction and engagement, professional development and career growth and others.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

In my workshops on managing, feedback, and performance management, I advocate the use of a 1-to-1 as the greatest managerial tool ever.


Quick recommendations: Once a week for 30 minutes with 4 elements: 1) 5 minutes of showing empathy through asking questions about family. 2) 10 minutes on reviewing the one page performance expectations, outcomes, deliverables, metrics, and KPIs the employee has committed to deliver. 3) 10 minutes on coaching to focus on their strengths and helping them to be more successful. 4) 5 minutes on LIB discussion on learning, impact, and becoming - what do they stay and what's their dream of what they can accomplish in your organization.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 9, 2020 3:58 PM!

3 Easy Ways to Tell Whether You're a Good Boss

3 Easy Ways to Tell Whether You're a Good Boss | Retain Top Talent |
Do this and the business will take care of itself.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

One of the key items I point out in my workshops on hiring, performance management, and employee engagement is that most managers have no clue what they are doing since they've never been appropriately trained, coached, or mentored. We assume because people carry a manager title, they should know the best practices of hiring and managing. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Since 70 percent of engagement and productivity is tied directly to the capability of a manager - shouldn't we invest in training this group to be extraordinary at leading people and building high-performing teams.


What's holding you back from making this investment?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 3, 2020 2:46 PM!

'Thank you' from a boss can boost employee satisfaction, study says

'Thank you' from a boss can boost employee satisfaction, study says | Retain Top Talent |
Human Resources and Workforce Management News...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

In my workshops and consulting on employee engagement, I spend a lot of time focusing on saying thank you - showing appreciation, gratitude, thankfulness. Most companies suffer greatly from not doing this enough.


The problem is that most individuals in management lack enough empathy and sensitivity to say thank you when appropriate. Is it time for some management/supervisor training on when it's appropriate, what to say, and the vehicle/medium for presenting the thank you?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 3, 2020 2:34 PM!

New Research Identifies Six Ways To Increase Happiness In The Workplace

New Research Identifies Six Ways To Increase Happiness In The Workplace | Retain Top Talent |
Studies suggest that cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness interventions are most effective at increasing workplace happiness.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

We usually think more about employee engagement than employee happiness - here are some ideas on the subject of helping your employees to attain happiness in their work from FORBES.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 30, 2020 2:08 PM!

Managers and employee engagement – Brownie Points

Managers and employee engagement – Brownie Points | Retain Top Talent |
With many businesses starting to get back to a degree of normality post Covid, ensuring that your employees are appreciated, valued and motivated is critical, as they are likely to be under more stress than previously, as they cope with your new work protocols. Conventional wisdom says that managers are the primary drivers of employee engagement. And while managers no doubt play a role in the “engagement equation,” placing significant weight on the manager may not fully capture all of the complexities of today’s workplace. Indeed, it has been proven that feedback from colleagues is more motivational, and as peers see each other most of the time it is easier for them to give feedback when they see great work, so engagement can be driven top down and bottom up. Employees globally are less confident in their immediate managers, especially in their ability to create excitement about the future of the organisation, and to give positive feedback. This is not a big surprise. Organisations large and small are increasingly in a state of near-constant change, especially this year with Covid, trying to adapt to an increasingly volatile business environment. Employees may not know what the future holds for their organisation or their role. In most cases, managers bear the brunt of most of the anxiety employees experience about change. When you consider that half of employees globally feel that change initiatives are not well managed, it’s easy to see how more broad perceptions of the leaders managing the change would drop. This drop in perceptions of leaders is an important trend in itself. There has also been a decrease in confidence in HR Managers, as many employees feel that these managers are not doing enough to encourage positive feedback, and often have no budgets for implementing programs to recognise great performance. However, this is highlighted even more by the fact that Senior Leadership was one of the top drivers of employee engagement in an AON Hewitt report which also included the following: 1. Rewards & Recognition 2. Employee Value Proposition 3. Senior Leadership 4. Career Development 5. Enabling Infrastructure As we see, Senior Leadership is listed third on the list of drivers, but direct managers didn’t even make the top 51! This suggests that Senior Leaders need to take on a more active and involved role in order to engage their employees. But this raises an important question: What might have caused Senior Leadership to become a more important driver of employee engagement? The way we see it, there are three major reasons: 1. Senior Leaders have more discretion over many of the other key drivers in 2020 and going forward compared to the direct manager. Rewards, pay and infrastructure are all largely driven by Senior Leadership. Managers can play a role, for instance by clarifying how pay is calculated, but larger discretion on actually changing these facets of the work environment fall on Senior Leadership. 2. When we compare our global averages to those in the top quartile, we see massive gaps on Senior Leadership items – and, in fact, these gaps are twice as large as for the Direct Manager items. What does this mean? Top companies really differentiate on perceptions of Senior Leadership, particularly on creating excitement for the future, more than they do on perceptions of the Direct Manager. 3. Based on Aon’s research into Managing Engagement in Times of Change, we know that Senior Leaders play an increased role in engagement during times of change. Although the research focused on more transformational changes (such as M & A), it stands to reason that the same holds true with the more incremental change that characterise many organisations. This is a vital point since there are so many external forces that are pressuring organisations today. Two of the most important external forces are rapid technology advancement and populist sentiment within the geopolitical environment. In reality, the increased importance of Senior Leadership in driving engagement is likely due to a combination of several if not all of the above reasons. Regardless, this leaves us with an important question: what can business leaders do about it? There is a clear need for businesses to have an engagement strategy in place and a mechanism to drive this, and there are products on the market that will do so, driving instant recognition and feedback, while lowering administrative overheads, and at the same time delivering consistency and transparency across the organisation. The use of technology can add significant value to your engagement strategy. By driving positive employee engagement, you will helping to build passion, loyalty, continuity and growth. This should be viewed as a long-term goal – to build a good employee experience for the whole journey they have with your business, but it is worth it, as it will reduce staff turnover, improve productivity and customer experience which all impact your bottom line. Engaging employees is a great approach but this needs to be underpinned with a clear and tailored strategy and framework for employee engagement that reflects your values and vision. To learn how we can help you to engage your employees, call Brownie Points today on +61 (0)3 9909 7411 or email us at
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Although the article was a summary of Aon's research and was a little too generic for me - there was an interesting point I wanted to share from this article that mentioned over half of employees feel change initiatives were not well managed. Why - what is it about change, action plans, new initiatives that turn off most employees - there's something deeper here than just the issue of fear of change.


My experience and research into change management shows that over 80 percent of all initiatives fail to achieve their desired outcomes - including hiring, employee engagement, investments, acquisitions, IT systems, and change initiatives. Most of the time the actions are good strategic initiatives but fail miserably because we don't manage the employees who are implementing it and working on it. How can we do better?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 27, 2020 12:39 PM!

10 Common Workplace Problems That Can Ruin Productivity

10 Common Workplace Problems That Can Ruin Productivity | Retain Top Talent |
In this article, you will learn about the ten common workplace problems that are usually part of the reasons why your employees lose focus. ...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Some basic ideas about what causes employees to turn off and give you the absolute lowest level of effort or productivity they think you will tolerate so that they can stay on the payroll system.


I am amazed at how many companies violate these basic ideas - managers who are not well trained in managing/coaching, weak or non-existent reward programs, and the tolerance of abnormal employee behavior that is the opposite of your culture and values.


Are you allowing any of these key principles to prevent our employees from giving you their best effort?

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