Retain Top Talent
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Retain Top Talent
Hiring top talent is only the start. Now you have to work hard to keep your very best talent. Most companies stink at structured and systematic retention of their top performers. Discover how to prevent turnover and keep your best people.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 1, 2023 1:50 PM!

WTF is rage applying and why is Gen Z doing it?

WTF is rage applying and why is Gen Z doing it? | Retain Top Talent |
Similar to quiet quitting, the quick decision to apply to a number of new jobs is rubbing veteran workers the wrong way.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The hot new buzzword is your employees "rage applying" to other jobs - particularly in the face of an unknown future. The phrase that struck me in this article was "ack of, or miscommunication is often the root cause of problems" Are your managers communicating enough with their team members about the future?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 31, 2023 12:15 PM!

Employee Engagement Is Actually Falling. Just Don’t Call It ‘Quiet Quitting.’

Employee Engagement Is Actually Falling. Just Don’t Call It ‘Quiet Quitting.’ | Retain Top Talent |
The published version of this week’s Forbes Careers newsletter brings the latest news, commentary and ideas about the workplace, leadership, job hunting and the future of work straight to your inbox every Wednesday.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Forbes highlighted the drop in Gallup's engagement numbers - first time in a decade. What's going on? Is it time to start considering putting a few engagement initiatives in place?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 27, 2023 4:25 PM!

Are Your Job Descriptions to Blame for Your Attrition?

Are Your Job Descriptions to Blame for Your Attrition? | Retain Top Talent |
Ambiguous job descriptions create confusion and dissatisfaction among employees, increasing hiring costs and attrition over time.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The greatest problem or failure point in hiring, performance management and accountability, and in employee engagement is NOT having clear, precise, quantifiable definitions of success. Like the article talks about - your job descriptions are superficial, ambiguous, generic, and fuzzy.


Putting a little more rigor around this process can dramatically improve your success in hiring better people and engaging your employees for full productivity and effort.


I speak to these topics on hiring, engagement, and performance management in my two core Vistage workshops "You're NOT the Person I Hired" and "You're the Person We Want to Keep". The central theme running through both is the concept of needing to define success for every role in the organization. #PowerofVistage

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 26, 2023 1:01 PM!

A Quick Guide to Rewards & Recognition in the Workplace

A Quick Guide to Rewards & Recognition in the Workplace | Retain Top Talent |
Employee rewards and recognition have always had an important role in the workplace. Read more about the history and pertinence of employee appreciation!
Barry Deutsch's insight:

If you're struggling to think about how to reward/recognize your employees - here are some ideas and tactics to consider.


Next to the number one issue of not defining expectations for a role, not providing comprehensive reward and recognition is the number two reason you may be getting less than adequate effort and productivity from your Vistage company employees.


One of the key elements I stress in my Vistage workshop is building a culture of recognition and reward when people knock it out of the park, exhibit one of your core values, get a high five from a customer - to name just a few.


When should you begin to build this as a key pillar in your Vistage business? #PowerofVistage

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 26, 2023 12:31 PM!

Gallup: Employee Disengagement Hits 9-Year High

Gallup: Employee Disengagement Hits 9-Year High | Retain Top Talent |
The percent of workers disengaged in their jobs has steadily increased each year since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new survey by Gallup.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here's Gallup's latest research on employee engagement- notice the decline and the biggest reason is lack of clarity around expectations. I realize it's hard work to define expectations - but if you could as a Vistage Member dramatically boost productivity, lower turnover, increase profits, and improve customer satisfaction - why would you not attempt to define expectations for every job? #PowerofVistage

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 25, 2023 3:18 PM!

How to support employees through the cost-of-living crisis | theHRD

How to support employees through the cost-of-living crisis | theHRD | Retain Top Talent |
The key here is support, not reward. It changes the perception of the gesture in the eyes of the employees and if given the right thought, can truly make a difference. Look at The Jockey Club’s winter support package for example, which consists of £750 paid out in four instalments over the winter...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting perspective on supporting not rewarding employees through cost of living increases and pain. Most employers think the only solution is to raise salaries - but there are alternatives.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 23, 2023 11:32 AM!

Hybrid work: How to maintain team engagement | The Enterprisers Project

Hybrid work: How to maintain team engagement | The Enterprisers Project | Retain Top Talent |
In today’s difficult hiring environment, it’s more important than ever to acknowledge your top performers.These simple strategies can help your teams thrive...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Two ideas in this article that I really like to improve employee engagement in hybrid work environments: peer to peer recognition (part of a broader campaign of comprehensive non-monetary reward and recognition), and mentoring.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 19, 2023 7:17 PM!

Employee Satisfaction: Whose Job is it Anyway?

Employee Satisfaction: Whose Job is it Anyway? | Retain Top Talent |
A few ways managers and employees can work together to cultivate an environment that supports a high level of employee satisfaction.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Some very basic ideas about improving employee engagement and retention: clear reasonable expections, improving communications (whatever you're doing is not enough), and ensuring their is a focused effort around developing people. Number one reason why employees - boredom and lack of growth!

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 19, 2023 7:07 PM!

Energize or Enervate: Recognition Practices That Turn People Off or On

Energize or Enervate: Recognition Practices That Turn People Off or On | Retain Top Talent |
Numerous studies show that a major reason many people quit their jobs is that they feel unappreciated. Brains follow hearts to where they’re valued. As I wrote in Do You Focus on the Field of Wheat or Stone on the Hill?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here are some thoughts behind dos/donts of recognition. I like the first one:


"Stop using the demeaning and demotivating annual performance appraisal"

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 17, 2023 8:02 PM!

This New Year, Resolve Against Workaholism

This New Year, Resolve Against Workaholism | Retain Top Talent |
Workaholic behavior can damage organizations and teams; managers can take steps to help employees attain better balance.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Are we burning, stressing, asking employees to carry to high of a workload and actually as a result of this pressure - getting less and less productivity and effort. A counter-intuitive article from the Sloan School at MIT.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 16, 2023 2:27 PM!

Your Employee Wants A Raise. Here Are 7 Ways You Can Afford It.

Your Employee Wants A Raise. Here Are 7 Ways You Can Afford It. | Retain Top Talent |
Think you can't afford to pay your people more? Think again.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Most of my clients are under tremendous pressure to increase salaries - especially given cost of living increases over the last few years. Add to this an incredibly difficult candidate-driven job market, and the pressure is very intense.


Here are some ideas that might offset raising salaries to an unreasonable leve - but temper the pressure given the short-term (2-3 year cycle) increasing job market.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 14, 2023 9:08 PM!

Let’s Call Quiet Quitting What It Often Is: Calibrated Contributing

Let’s Call Quiet Quitting What It Often Is: Calibrated Contributing | Retain Top Talent |
Employees who do their work without going above and beyond are often simply behaving rationally in response to unfair circumstances.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I don't buy the quiet quitting argument. I think this article summarizes a key point we are all aware of - that employees who are not engaged give very low levels of effort - the minimum while engaged employees show discretionary effort like initiative and proactivity. THIS IS NOT AN EMPLOYEE PROBLEM - IT IS AN EMPLOYER PROBLEM.


It's particularly scary since the latest Gallup engagement research shows engaged employee levels just slightly above 20 percent - down almost 10 points in just 2 years.


The big question is when we're going to start implementing initiatives to engagement - simple, basic, fundamental issues like helping people understand what's expected of them and improving recognition, praise,  appreciation, and rewards?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 23, 2022 1:32 PM!

Onboarding success can help employers avoid the Great Regret

Onboarding success can help employers avoid the Great Regret | Retain Top Talent |
Workers leaving their jobs in hopes of greener pastures sometimes wish they had stayed put. Learn how onboarding success can help prevent the Great Regret.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Onboarding is that one element that either starts a great relationship with a company and reinforces why you joined - or it causes the new employee to have immediate regrets and remorse about joining your company.


Why do so many companies treat the process of on-boarding as basically watching a company video and filling out HR forms. Is it time to move beyond this 1970s comical model?


When was the last time you took a hard look at your on-boarding process and moved it to an emotional level of helping the new employee realize they just made the best decision of their career to join your company?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 31, 2023 12:18 PM!

Employee Engagement vs Employee Experience

Employee Engagement vs Employee Experience | Retain Top Talent |
Defining and comprehending how employee engagement vs employee experience drive happiness and increase retention is important.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

These terms of employee engagement and employee experience get tossed around  - what's the difference? I also noted that a slew of recent articles are starting to focus on employee burnout. A lot of writers appear to be jumping on this trend.


My perception is that the workload is not dramatically different over time or for different generations. I wonder if the younger generations that are disengaged and unhappy are using burnout as their excuse for a lack of effort?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 30, 2023 2:28 PM!

How to draw the line between performance management and productivity paranoia | HRD America

How to draw the line between performance management and productivity paranoia | HRD America | Retain Top Talent |
PandaDoc chief people officer says lack of engagement remains the biggest challenge for companies...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here's the number one issue most executives and managers tell me is their biggest concern about hybrid/remote work - they don't trust the employees to work hard and fulfill their expectations.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 27, 2023 4:18 PM!

Guide For Managers To Increase Employee Engagement

Guide For Managers To Increase Employee Engagement | Retain Top Talent |
Looking for ways to boost productivity in your company? Read this complete guide on how to increase employee engagement!
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here's a great overview of employee engagement - the basic foundation and rationale for doing it, the benefits, and some different models or approaches to implementation.


Bottom line - start doing something. Just because your employees show up every day doesn't mean they are engaged. Nothing could be further from the truth. At what point should you start to put an employee engagement strategy together as opposed to waiting for hope and luck to intervene?


I talk extensively about 5-6 key initiatives in employee engagement that are low hanging fruit in my Vistage workshop "You're the Person We Want to Keep!" #PowerofVistage

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 26, 2023 12:55 PM!

7 Reasons for Low Employee Engagement

7 Reasons for Low Employee Engagement | Retain Top Talent |
Have you ever considered how your employees perceive your business? Are they proud to tell others where they work? You may have considered the best ways for hiring and recruiting new staff, but what happens after that?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here's another perspective on the recent Gallup research on Employee Engagement. Notice at the top of the list is a lack of recognition. Next to not defining expectations, recognition becomes the next most important area of whether your employees in your Vistage business either lean in and give you 100 percent effort or they lean back and give you the rock bottom minimum effort they think you'll tolerate for allowing them to receive a payroll check.


Is it time to start boosting employee engagement to drive profit, productivity, turnover down, and improve customer satisfaction/engagement?


I emphasize these points in my key workshop on engagement for Vistage titled "You''re the Person We Want to Keep". What I don't understand is why so many companies refuse to put initiatives in place to recognize and reward their employees. #PowerofVistage

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 25, 2023 3:20 PM!

Nine steps to building a bullying-free workplace culture

Nine steps to building a bullying-free workplace culture | Retain Top Talent |
Bullying is a chronic and relentless facet of the workplace, and the consequences are considerable. Workplace bullying doesn't just hurt those involved.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Is one of the toxic elements of your workplace where some of your employees feel they can bully others through passive-aggressive behaviors, micro-aggressions, and outright harrassment- particularly how men treat women? Is this an element of your culture you would like to stop?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 23, 2023 11:38 AM!

Want to Solve Quiet Quitting? Focus on Employee Engagement

Want to Solve Quiet Quitting? Focus on Employee Engagement | Retain Top Talent |
The best way would be to address the core causes of the problem, it’s helpful to remember why quiet quitting happens in the first place.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here's a more academic look at the issue of engagement-disengagement. The professor reinforces the points I've been making in my last few posts about whether we sit back, "stick to our guns", and ignore the research, trends, and common sense related to work - or we start taking action to make a difference.


In the thousands of companies I've worked with over the last decade, less than 1 percent have effectively moved the needle on employee engagement into the 80 percent plus range from the research that shows it fluctuating between 20-30 percent. The outcomes are dramatic.


What's the difference between mediocre minimal engagement and exceptional engagement. The companies that have moved the needle have made engagement/retention a process rather than a random event or something that gets left up to each individual manager.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 23, 2023 11:30 AM!

10 Company-Defining Benefits of Employee Engagement

10 Company-Defining Benefits of Employee Engagement | Retain Top Talent |
The benefits of employee engagement go much deeper than productivity and profitability. Here are 10 more reasons employee engagement matters.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

If you could even achieve half of these outcomes, wouldn't improving employee engagement and implementing a few initiatives around it be worthwhile. In a survey of more than 500 senior executives we found most CEOs, company presidents, and key executives haven't done this because "they don't know what to do."  Total blame game. The reality is that they just don't think their employees matter enough to want to invest in making sure they are happy, engaged, growing, learning, having an impact, being productive. We're still stuck in most companies in a 1970s model of command-and-control leadership - come in, sit down, shut up, do your work, and don't make waves. Plenty of people I could replace you with. Who would want to work in this environment?


Is it any surprise why engagement has dropped from 30 to 20 percent, 50 percent of employees are looking for a new job, and turnover, poaching, productivity numbers are all trending in the wrong direction?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 19, 2023 7:12 PM!

The future of work is a seamless digital experience | theHRD

The future of work is a seamless digital experience | theHRD | Retain Top Talent |
Digital workspaces... simplify complex IT arrangements in the workplace and deliver a seamless digital experience which keeps employees engaged.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

An interesting article about leveraging apps and digital tools to make hybrid/remote work easier. In my last few Vistage presentations I was surprised the lag of digital workplace tools to encourage communication, performance management, recogition, and culure.


Every company is now a digital company - the problem is that the IT infrastructure in most companies supporting employees has not kept pace with the move to hybrid/remote work. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons dissatisfaction, disappointment, and disengagement is on the post-Covid rise.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 17, 2023 8:06 PM!

Building A Remote Work Culture, Even When You’re Wary

Building A Remote Work Culture, Even When You’re Wary | Retain Top Talent |
This CEO wasn't wild about remote work before the pandemic, but she's become a believer, thanks to a multipart strategy.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Some key points I stressed in my workshop during Covid titled "Managing in a Remote Environment" which is as relevant today as it was in March 2020. Key points and take-aways: remote recognition, 1-to-1s for performance management, coaching, and feedback. Lots of communication, and well-defined expectations.


Are you not jumping on the remote/hybrid bandwagon because you don't trust your employees? Perhaps, it's not an issue of trust but one of having appropriate infrastructure, managerial training, and process.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 17, 2023 8:01 PM!

Q&A: How to create workplace culture in a time of remote work

Q&A: How to create workplace culture in a time of remote work | Retain Top Talent |
Many organizations fall into the trap of equating office perks with company culture. Workplace culture expert Jessica Kriegel shares her tips for creating an engaged, productive workforce regardless of employees' location.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting perspective on culture in a time of hybrid work environments - a question I get a lot from my workshop and consulting around "You're the Person We Want to KEEP!"

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 15, 2023 9:22 PM!

11 Ways to Reward Hardworking Employees (and Encourage More Exemplary Behavior)

11 Ways to Reward Hardworking Employees (and Encourage More Exemplary Behavior) | Retain Top Talent |
When an employee succeeds at work, leaders should make sure that employee feels recognized for their efforts. Here are 11 ways to reward hardworking employees.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Next to NOT defining success - making sure all employees know what is expected of them in clear precise language with KPIs and metrics, the number two de-motivator resulting in your employees giving you weak effort and productivity is the lack of a comprehensive system for non-monetary reward and recognition.


This article highlights a few simple things that might allow your employees to self-motivate: providing positive feedback, public praise, demonstrating how their work supports company values, and highlighting the impact of their work.


Many of these ideas cross over from just recognition and rewards into reinforcing key elements such as do I matter, company values, retention, and engagement.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 9, 2023 2:18 PM!

So You Administered an Employee Engagement Survey. Now What?

So You Administered an Employee Engagement Survey. Now What? | Retain Top Talent |
Thoughtful survey follow-up ensures engagement momentum and prevents a disengaged workforce.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Good short article on what to do with results from an employee engagement survey by Gallup. I find so many companies fail to execute on the info that comes out of these surveys.

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