Retain Top Talent
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Retain Top Talent
Hiring top talent is only the start. Now you have to work hard to keep your very best talent. Most companies stink at structured and systematic retention of their top performers. Discover how to prevent turnover and keep your best people.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 14, 2022 8:28 PM!

Does your EVP need some TLC? - Blog

Does your EVP need some TLC? - Blog | Retain Top Talent |
To attract and retain top talent, focus on your Employee Value Proposition (EVP). Your EVP is the WHY an employee work for your company?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This is an interesting question that applies to all employees. When I am consulting with my clients on writing Compelling Marketing Statements to replace traditional job description advertising - it's the first question I ask: why would someone leave the great company/job they have now and come to work for you?


I am shocked at how many employers cannot answer this question below the superficial level of ambiguous, generic, platitudes. 


It's going to be tough to attract great employees in the next year or two unless we can get to the heart of why would you come here?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 14, 2022 8:20 PM!

The 'dark matter' of HR is employee engagement – here's how to master it | HRD Canada

The 'dark matter' of HR is employee engagement – here's how to master it | HRD Canada | Retain Top Talent |
It's a fluid concept that leaders have long struggled to understand and capitalize on...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

My head scratching moment is why companies don't implement engagement initiatives. When employees don't feel engaged they give you the rock bottom level of productivity they think you'll tolerate to allow them to stay on the payroll system.


Gallup shows that 50-70 percent of your workforce is dis-engaged. It's a crying shame how little productivity you actually get from your workforce compared to the potential of what you could get.


Why don't more companies make engagement a process instead of crossing their fingers hoping that because their employees show up for work that they must love their jobs. Nothing could be further from the truth!

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 14, 2022 7:58 PM!

Beyond Employee Well-Being: Creating a Sense of Belonging in the Workplace - SPONSORED CONTENT FROM GOOGLE

Beyond Employee Well-Being: Creating a Sense of Belonging in the Workplace - SPONSORED CONTENT FROM GOOGLE | Retain Top Talent |
White Paper Sponsored By Google...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Another good article from HBR on creating a sense of belonging in the workplace - I ask the question again if you're missing opportunities to create high performing teams?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 5, 2022 12:30 PM!

Top 5 Reasons Why Employees Leave | ClearCompany

Top 5 Reasons Why Employees Leave | ClearCompany | Retain Top Talent |
Employee retention has never been so important as it is now. Find out why employees leave their jobs and what you can do to prevent it.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Key points to think about given the studies currently show that 50-65% of your employees are seeking greener pastures elsewhere. How do you fight the "great resignation" - offering competitive compensation, improving learning and development to help people become better, and engaging employees through initiatives around defining success, recognition, and helping them to see that they matter.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 5, 2022 11:40 AM!

4 Most Effective Employee Engagement Strategies for 2022 | peopleHum

4 Most Effective Employee Engagement Strategies for 2022 | peopleHum | Retain Top Talent |
Engaging employees is a highly effective business strategy, but it’s easier said than done. Here are 4 best employee engagement strategies for 2022!
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Excellent article on employee engagement initiatives and some great metrics to track success on employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 5, 2022 11:34 AM!

Cultivating a culture of career-long growth

Cultivating a culture of career-long growth | Retain Top Talent |
How engaging in training over the entire employee lifecycle develops the best long-term employees.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

34% of employees indicate they quit because of a lack of learning and growth. What a shame! A small investment in training, development, learning, career growth - could have a huge payoff in employee engagement, productivity, and retention.


Why don't more companies invest in employees - the most common answers: they don't feel there is enough of a return, or they don't want to train employees for better opportunities in other companies. 


Is that not the most dysfunctional thing youve heard? I'm so shocked when I hear it in workshops, I can barely speak.



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 31, 2022 10:33 PM!

5 Ways to Drive Employee Engagement with Performance Reviews

5 Ways to Drive Employee Engagement with Performance Reviews | Retain Top Talent |
The annual evaluation process is outdated, and companies like Google and Adobe are rethinking performance reviews to address the new ways employees work.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Kill the traditional once a year peformance review - it's a sadistic exercise at best hated by both employees and managers.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 31, 2022 4:02 PM!

13 Key Employee Experience Milestones | Reward Gateway

13 Key Employee Experience Milestones | Reward Gateway | Retain Top Talent |
One effective and easy way to boost the employee experience is to implement a program that celebrates key milestones in a meaningful way. Learn more!
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Celebrating your employees is a powerful retention device focused around non-monetary rewards and recognition. How do you celebrate the people in your organization?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 31, 2022 3:43 PM!

Maintaining A Healthy Company Culture Remotely

Maintaining A Healthy Company Culture Remotely | Retain Top Talent |
Company culture is an essential aspect of any organization. In fact, it’s really what breeds success, speed and retention of some of the best talent.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Some good ideas from Forbes on managing a remote workforce and sustaining culture - particularly for smaller businesses. One key point that they leave out is how you build trust to allow people to work when you can't see them -- through a rigorous performance management system!

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 24, 2022 12:52 AM!

Employee recognition key to retaining talent: survey

Employee recognition key to retaining talent: survey | Retain Top Talent |
Half (53 per cent) of employees who believe their work isn’t authentically recognized by their employer are actively looking for a new job, compared to 27 per cent who believe their employer’s recognition is authentic, according to a survey by Gallup Inc.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Research indicates half of your employees who dont think you have an adequate non-monetary reward/recognition program - are looking for a new job. How do you execute on showing appreciation, gratitude and thankfulness?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 24, 2022 12:43 AM!

Check In Before They Check Out | Kincentric

Check In Before They Check Out | Kincentric | Retain Top Talent |
Organizations have an opportunity to mitigate resignation risk with the right stay interview strategy and approach.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

If you've attended any of our workshops on hiring, engagement, or retention - you know we call this HR tactic of a stay interview the LIB discussion. My experience is that most managers lack the skills of how to have this conversation and thus avoid it. 

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 24, 2022 12:41 AM!

What workers now expect from their managers revealed? | theHRD

What workers now expect from their managers revealed? | theHRD | Retain Top Talent |
The most important skills for a manager to possess are leadership, verbal communication and teamwork, according to research by enterprise LMS provider Digits...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Take note - employees want their managers to be better commuicators and empathetic - surprise!

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 19, 2022 11:58 PM!

Employee trust—4 ways to maintain progress made during the pandemic

Employee trust—4 ways to maintain progress made during the pandemic | Retain Top Talent |
‘Getting back to normal’ squanders an opportunity for growth.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The article quotes a study showing 60% of employees do not trust senior management. I just did my program today titled "You're the Person We Want to Keep" (engagement, retention, and employee productivity) for a Vistage CEO group in Canada. We talked about using 1-to-1s as a tool in developing trust between managers and employees. Very few CEOs do it with their direct reports and even fewer cascade it through-out the company. So simple - yet not doing it causes failure in communication, trust, retention, engagement, performance management, and coaching. It's horrible not to have a rigorous process for communicating with employees on a frequent basis.


Kill the traditional performance appraisal process - it's sadistic at best. Move to process of regular monthly coaching - you'll be amazed at the drop in turnover, the boost in morale and engagement, and perhaps, most importantly, the uptick in productivity.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 14, 2022 8:24 PM!

The Importance of Praise for Job Satisfaction —

The Importance of Praise for Job Satisfaction — | Retain Top Talent |
Do you thank your staff for their hard work? When it's been a while, it is indeed time to let them know how much they are regarded at work. Appreciation is one of the most powerful motivators for your staff to achieve their goals.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

There might be no more powerful way to show your appreciaion and gratitude - thus motivating your employees to show greater effort and productivity - that to occassionally say thank you.


I teach in my workshops on employee engagement and retention that's  the first step in creating a vibrant culture of caring and recognition.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 14, 2022 8:02 PM!

Do company values matter to your employees?

Do company values matter to your employees? | Retain Top Talent |
The extent to which a worker’s values are compatible with their employer’s plays a crucial role in determining employee job satisfaction and company profitability, psychologists have said.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Do you have a well-articulated set of values that employees can grasp and understand. Are all your people management systems tied into it - how you measure alignment on values, coaching/feedback for managers to give employees on values, and your non-monetary reward and recognition system tied to putting employees on display when they demonstrate or exemplify your values?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 14, 2022 7:55 PM!

The Connection Crisis: Craving Friends At Work And How To Bring Back Belonging

The Connection Crisis: Craving Friends At Work And How To Bring Back Belonging | Retain Top Talent |
There are constructive action individuals can take—and actions companies can take as well—to create and renew connections at work.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

"be intentional about creating the conditions for employees to gain a sense of belonging. Unfortunately, 43% of employees say their organization isn’t doing enough to help them feel connected to their colleagues—but there’s a lot an organization can do"


Are you experimenting with initiatives to improve employee connections and belonging? This is a hallmark of high-performing teams - are you missing opportunities for your employees to work better together?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 5, 2022 12:25 PM!

Three ways to create a company culture of confidence

Three ways to create a company culture of confidence | Retain Top Talent |
If confidence is the belief in our own abilities to attain success without arrogance, then leaders should be hungry for a team of confident employees....
Barry Deutsch's insight:

A good article on building the confidence of your team for higher levels of success. In my work over 15 years with HS girls basketball teams I've realized that instilling confidence can be a huge factor of team success.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 5, 2022 11:38 AM!

Recognition is an effective way to keep employees from quitting

Recognition is an effective way to keep employees from quitting | Retain Top Talent |
Companies that make recognition a key part of their strategy are in a better position to keep workers engaged and are less likely to see them quit....
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Next to not defining success in clear precise terms, not providing a rigorous approach to employee recognition and rewards is a guarantee of 50% of your staff seeking greener pastures elsewhere.


Some key points from this article:


  • Companies that make employee recognition a priority have workers who are 56% less likely to be looking for a new job, according to a new Gallup/Workhuman survey.
  • Employees are also 73% less likely to feel burned out when recognition is offered.
  • However, 81% of leaders say recognition isn’t a major strategic priority for their company.


Simple tactics like peer to peer review, a hallway of honor, writing thank you notes expressing gratitude and appreciation can go a long way toward overcoming the depressing element in most companies that no one cares how much you try.


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 31, 2022 10:37 PM!

Employee Recognition: Importance and Key Benefits

Employee Recognition: Importance and Key Benefits | Retain Top Talent |
Employee recognition plays a vital role in any organization’s success. In this blog, we discuss the importance and the key benefits of employee recognition.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Why do so many companies barely scratch the surface on creating a great employee reward and recognition process/system. Are most organizations still stuck in a 1970s model of "I pay you for work - I shouldn't have to pat you on the back for doing your job well?' I like the structured approach in this article to laying out the foundation for why employee reward and recognition is important - and the benefits that come from it.



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 31, 2022 4:21 PM!

Workplace Turnover: Where Employees and Employers Disagree

Workplace Turnover: Where Employees and Employers Disagree | Retain Top Talent |
Differences in opinions between workers and employers about company culture and retention are contributing to workplace turnover rates. ...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting split between employers and employees regarding culture and engagement. Are you making the wrong assumptions about your environment or your people?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 31, 2022 3:47 PM!

Top 9 KPIs to Measure Employee Engagement & Satisfaction

Top 9 KPIs to Measure Employee Engagement & Satisfaction | Retain Top Talent |
Officevibe shares key KPIs to measure employee engagement & satisfaction. Use these to enhance employee experience, boost productivity & retain top talent.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Many of my Vistage and TEC clients are frustrated by the discussion on employee engagement since objective measurement seems squishy. Here are some KPIs/Metrics you might consider using to measure your employee engagement. I would love to hear how these metrics have helped you to improve employee engagement.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 24, 2022 12:55 AM!

How Often Should You Conduct Employee Engagement Surveys?

How Often Should You Conduct Employee Engagement Surveys? | Retain Top Talent |
Wondering how often to conduct employee engagement surveys? Find out how to determine the best frequency, how to avoid survey fatigue & other best practices.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

How often should you be taking the pulse of your employees? Have you ever used an employee survey? Are you afraid of what you might hear?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 24, 2022 12:45 AM!

A Healthy Company Culture: How to Keep Employees Happy –

A Healthy Company Culture: How to Keep Employees Happy – | Retain Top Talent |
Why are my employees leaving? How long have they been unhappy? What did we do wrong? How do I create a healthy corporate culture, retain great employees, and continue growing as a company? Why developing a good culture plan is important, and how to plan ahead.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting perspective of why employees are leaving - work life balance and a lack of flexibility in work hours/days.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 24, 2022 12:41 AM!

What workers now expect from their managers revealed? | theHRD

What workers now expect from their managers revealed? | theHRD | Retain Top Talent |
The most important skills for a manager to possess are leadership, verbal communication and teamwork, according to research by enterprise LMS provider Digits...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Take note - employees want their managers to be better commuicators and empathetic - surprise!

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 20, 2022 12:00 AM!

Improving Employee Engagement & Retention: Top 10 Strategies

Improving Employee Engagement & Retention: Top 10 Strategies | Retain Top Talent |
Discover top strategies for improving employee engagement & retention. Learn how to measure the impact of your initiatives on employee involvement & turnover.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

What's the link between engagement and retention (or the negative element of turnover) - it's direct. Right now the research shows that roughly 50% of your workforce is open to leaving because of a lack of engagement, and other studies show that roughly 50% of your workforce is seeking greener pastures somewhere else. Small changes in employee engagement can have a dramatic impact  on retention and productivity.

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