Retain Top Talent
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Retain Top Talent
Hiring top talent is only the start. Now you have to work hard to keep your very best talent. Most companies stink at structured and systematic retention of their top performers. Discover how to prevent turnover and keep your best people.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 20, 2022 2:57 PM!

A CEO’s Guide To Driving Profitability Through Employee Happiness

A CEO’s Guide To Driving Profitability Through Employee Happiness | Retain Top Talent |
Here are six ways CEOs can implement a happiness-focused culture in their organization.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

It doesn't take a lot of effort to move the needle on employee satisfaction, happiness, and engagement - resulting in lower turnover, less poaching, less effort needed in recruiting new talent, and higher productivity levels. Not to mention the direct correlation to customer satisfaction.


My head scratching moment is why more companies don't put a process or initiatives in place like this article suggests. Crafting a engagement/retention strategy should be no different from crafting a hirng strategy. Just because your employees show up every day doesn't mean they love their job or are giving you more than the minimum level of expectations they hope will avoid being fired.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 19, 2022 1:39 AM!

What Is Employee Experience? 6 Workplace Tips For Success

What Is Employee Experience? 6 Workplace Tips For Success | Retain Top Talent |
Instead of a just a nice thing to have, a positive employee experience is now critical for success. Here's how you can improve your team's overall experience.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here are some good ideas for creating a better employee experience. More and more of my clients are starting to ask their HR departments to focus on improving the employee experience. What have you done recently that has had a significant impact?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 18, 2022 12:14 PM!

How to Recruit a Successful Executive Team at a Small Business

How to Recruit a Successful Executive Team at a Small Business | Retain Top Talent |
Atkinson is always recruiting, even if he's not looking to fill a specific position at the time, he said.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Wonderful article emphasizing the issue of who you choose and keep on your team is critical to success. The quote ""The strength of your team is the biggest indicator of future success at the earliest stages" is spot on!


Many CEOs/Presidents choose the wrong person who cannot move them to the next stage of growth, or they let the ones who are only partially competent hang on too long.


The biggest problem in selection and retetion is not having a constantly evolving definition of success on a quarterly or semi-annual basis.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 13, 2022 1:21 AM!

The Power of Work Friends

The Power of Work Friends | Retain Top Talent |
Despite claiming “people are our greatest asset,” too many executives still expect employees to leave their personal lives at the door when they come to work. Yet Gallup data shows that having a best friend at work is strongly linked to business outcomes, including improvements in profitability,...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Having a best friend at work - (in school, on the project team, on the sports team) all make a dramatic difference in someone's desire to give ZERO effort or a 100 percent. The question I've got is what's the employer's role/responsiblity in fostering these relationships during the workday?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 6, 2022 8:15 PM!

Future of Work: Warning Signs Ahead

Future of Work: Warning Signs Ahead | Retain Top Talent |
We've moved beyond the quiet quitting stage, to one where people are fully checked out...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Oh my goodness - another business fancy idea to consider. It's all a bunch of BS. The issue is not with employees. The issue is with employers - you're turning your employees into zombies who only want to give you the absolute rock botton minimum effort you'll tolerate to allow them to continue to receive a paycheck.


This rock-bottom effort or productivity - or the desire to do only that which is necessary to avoid being fired is a horrible syndrome that is cancer in most organizations. Why does it occur?


You're not being clear and precise about your expectations with employees, you lack a culture of gratitude-thankfulness-appreciation, there are very few opportunities to learn and grow, your communication with employees is akin to throwing manure on mushrooms in dark cave, and you're doing a terrible job showing your employees that they matter. Take these elements into account and is it any wonder that Gallup shows us that 50-70 percent of your employees are disengaged.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 6, 2022 8:06 PM!

How to Keep Your Employees Happy — Even If You Can’t Offer Them a Raise

How to Keep Your Employees Happy — Even If You Can’t Offer Them a Raise | Retain Top Talent |
Are you looking for ways to retain your employees but can’t afford to give them a pay raise? Here are five other benefits you can consider.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

All of my clients are under pressure due to increasing cost of living and a candidate market that tips the supply-demand curve. Here are some ideas you might consider instead of the losing battle of constantly giving salary increases - particularly as the job market continues at an unheard of pace for the next few years. I particularly liked the unlimited PTO - many of my clients have found employees using less PTO under this approach - and they've seen a rise in productivity.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 4, 2022 12:59 AM!

Employee Engagement Surveys: Should You Do Them?

Employee Engagement Surveys: Should You Do Them? | Retain Top Talent |
As an employer you want your employees to enjoy working for your organisation, but how do you know what they genuinely think if you don’t ask them?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This article sums it up well - if you're not conducting surveys to determine what your employees really think - the big question they ask is "Do you care?"

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 30, 2022 2:04 PM!

Five Ways Managers Can Help Prevent Quiet Quitting

Five Ways Managers Can Help Prevent Quiet Quitting | Retain Top Talent |
Advice for managers on addressing the “quiet quitting” phenomenon and increasing employee engagement.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

THIS Article NAILS the problem in most organizations as it relates to employee productivity and effort!


Here's the quote that literally made me sit up in chair:


"We want more than a steady paycheck. We want interesting, challenging work. We want opportunities for growth and development. We want to build meaningful relationships and be supported. In exchange, we won’t just check the boxes in our job description. We’ll come in early, stay late, help our colleagues, go the extra mile, and be good organizational citizens.


When employees feel like employers aren’t keeping up their end of the bargain, you end up with quiet quitting. In other words, workers are starting to define their psychological contract more narrowly — more transactionally."


As an employer are you keeping your end of the bargain? It's not that your employees are deadbeats and don't naturally want to give you 100 percent effort - when they feel you are not living up to your end of the bargain - then they start not living up to theirs and giving you the absolute minimum effort they believe you will tolerate to allow them to keep getting a payroll check -- this is the definition of the popular phrase "quiet quitting".

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 27, 2022 1:04 AM!

How to Effectively Engage a Difficult Employee

How to Effectively Engage a Difficult Employee | Retain Top Talent |
Here are a few ways to effectively communicate with difficult employees who are bringing down team morale.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

We all have had critics on our team. Did we push them aside - or find a way to engage them.  I have found over the last 40 years the technique of engagement works most of the time - whether it be with teens on a high school sports team, in a business setting, or in volunteer leadership work in the local community. Sometimes we don't have direct hire/fire responsibility - so how do we make it work?


You're always going to have the critics, hecklers, disruptive, folks who try to knock you off your mountain - or constantly challenge you.


Do you approach the conversation with anger and defensiveness - or with empathy and understanding. This probably took me 30 of the 40 years to learn. My initial reaction would have been anger and defensiveness - and through lots of reading, coaching, and working with people, I began to reflect deeply on this issue. It was an amazing discovery that by engaging those initial detractors to your leadership - they than become some of my biggest supporters.


Are you facing this issue now as a leader? How do you choose to deal with it?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 26, 2022 9:38 PM!

PwC survey: 65% of workers are looking for a new job, could get higher

PwC survey: 65% of workers are looking for a new job, could get higher | Retain Top Talent |
Women, Black and Hispanic employees are more likely than white men to seek higher salaries in a new job.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Hold onto your seats. Latest survey shows 65 percent of employees are looking for a new job - that beats the 50 percent surveys that were being done only 2-3 months ago. The worst part is the study indicates this could go higher. Particularly as companies begin to struggle on employee engagement, salary, benefits, and other job elements during a recession/down turn.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 23, 2022 1:27 AM!

The rising need for ‘stay interviews’ in staff retention

The rising need for ‘stay interviews’ in staff retention | Retain Top Talent |
With employee engagement and staff retention presenting major challenges for employers, the stay interview could become a vital tool for HR.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Love this idea. In my workshop titled "You''re the Person We Want to KEEP" I talk about the need to conduct LIB (Learning IMPACT and Becoming) Discussions - very similar to Stay Interviews. This is your early warning system of whether an employee is considering leaving or is unmotivated to provide 100 percent effort in their job.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 20, 2022 2:12 AM!

How to Be a Good Manager, According to one Salesforce Leader

How to Be a Good Manager, According to one Salesforce Leader | Retain Top Talent |
The role of the manager has fundamentally changed in 2022. Learn how to be a good manager by showing empathy, flexibility, and openness.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Some good pointers on effective managers - remember the folks at Gallup were onto these ideas 15 years ago. We're just a little slow in adapting. Most companies have not begun to put their toe in the water to effect employee engagement - tied directly to productivity.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 12, 2022 9:13 AM!

Here’s what most leaders are getting wrong about employee engagement… and what to do instead.

Here’s what most leaders are getting wrong about employee engagement… and what to do instead. | Retain Top Talent |
With 60% of employees reporting that they feel emotionally detached at work, and 19% saying they’re downright miserable, it’s clear that we have an engagement problem in the workplace.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Horrific studies of employees who are dissatisfied, disappointed, ready to leave. These studies should be raising the hairs on the back of your neck. My gut wrenching question is why are most companies not executing on these simple best practices?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 20, 2022 2:53 PM!

What Outperformers Do Differently to Tap Internal Talent

What Outperformers Do Differently to Tap Internal Talent | Retain Top Talent |
Companies and employees can benefit when open jobs are filled by internal lateral hires rather than external candidates.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting perspective in the latest out of MIT Sloan regarding lateral career opportunities for existing employees. Rarely do I hear of employees being challenged through lateral moves - particularly to gain cross functional experience. Is this part of your portfolio in engaging and retaining employees?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 18, 2022 12:18 PM!

10 Employee Engagement Metrics for Managers

10 Employee Engagement Metrics for Managers | Retain Top Talent |
Discover which employee engagement metrics you should measure and keep your eye on as a manager.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I'm a huge proponent of metrics and tracking. It's the old adage "If you can't measure it - it's not worth doing."


As you begin to implement employee engagement initiatives it is important to track the starting point, where you want to get to, and the intermediate points of success-movement along the journey.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 18, 2022 12:12 PM!

10 Types Of Employee Recognition {Make An Impact In 2022}

10 Types Of Employee Recognition {Make An Impact In 2022} | Retain Top Talent |
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about employee recognition and rewards including the when, why, and how.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Next to NOT defining success - the number 2 reason your employees are disengaged and considering leaving is that you don't have a deep program for non-monetary reward and recognition. Here are some examples of what you might consider in that program. How deep does your program go around each of these elements?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 13, 2022 1:19 AM!

Keep your star employee from jumping ship | Chatsworth Consulting Group

Keep your star employee from jumping ship | Chatsworth Consulting Group | Retain Top Talent |

I know two people who are actively looking for a new job. They show up at work each day, slog through their daily tasks, and take solace in the fact that they will be out the door within a few months. They are both highly regarded in their respective organizations, but they have made up their minds that it’s time to go and they are excited about what’s next for them. 

Barry Deutsch's insight:

Some important reminders that you cannot assume people are in love with their job just because they show up for work everyday. How many of our important team members are we making the false assumption "they'll never leave!" I highly recommend the HBR article mentioned here.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 6, 2022 8:08 PM!

Encourage Post-Pandemic Employee Re-Engagement By Lowering The Risk Waterline

Encourage Post-Pandemic Employee Re-Engagement By Lowering The Risk Waterline | Retain Top Talent |
Something that damages things above the waterline would be a minor risk, if below the waterline, a major risk.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting article in Forbes about moving away from the crisis management process, communication, and protocols we put in place during Covid. Is it time to conduct a check-up on this waterline metaphor?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 4, 2022 1:01 AM!

How Training Can Support Meaningful Work and Drive Retention

How Training Can Support Meaningful Work and Drive Retention | Retain Top Talent |
Today modern workers are looking for meaning in what they do and are willing to leave their careers to find purpose-driven work.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is training - it's a powerful tool in recruitment and more so in retention. My best clients are learning organizations that invest heavily in people. Or perhaps you fall into the cateory of why should we train people and prepare them for better jobs elsewhere? Is that not one of the most dysfunctional statements you ever heard? I'm amazed how many leaders believe it - so they invest very little in training and development. No wonder they have trouble recruiting and keeping great people.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 4, 2022 12:57 AM!

20 Employee Recognition Program and Award Examples

20 Employee Recognition Program and Award Examples | Retain Top Talent |
If you’re seeking to expand the breadth of your employee recognition programs and the rewards you offer, here are nearly two dozen tools to throw into the mix.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Next to not defining success - clear metric driven outcomes - the number two reason why employees quietly quit or become disengaged is that you lack a rigorous non-monetary reward and recognition program that reinforces a culture of gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation.


Here are some examples of ideas to recognize your employees. How many of these are you implementing?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 27, 2022 1:07 AM!

Leadership Coach Tells Viewers How to Hack Performance Reviews

Leadership Coach Tells Viewers How to Hack Performance Reviews | Retain Top Talent |
Leadership coach Kara Kirby is going viral for advising viewers to rate themselves highly when faced with employee performance reviews.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I agree that the whole process of annual performance reviews is BS as the author indicates, it either falls on the side of gamesmanship or it becomes a demoralizing sadistic exercise. It's useless the why the vast majority of companies implement performance management.


My recommendation is to KILL this process and institute monthly coaching conversations between managers and subordinates. Yes - it requires teaching, role modeling, auditing, more teaching, more learning, and continually refining. The benefits are extraordinary. Why don't more companies do this instead of the sadistic performance review - they just simply don't want to put in the additional effort.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 26, 2022 10:23 PM!

Measuring employee turnover vs. passion

Measuring employee turnover vs. passion | Retain Top Talent |
Density’s Nellie Hayat believes we’re using outdated metrics to measure engagement, productivity, and happiness, and that means leaders are using outdated methods to course-correct when they see an issue.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

My disappointment in this article on Fast Company is that the author keeps suggesting using a new metric called a passion index to measure why people keep coming back and showing effort - unfortunately the author does not elaborate on what data points are used in the passion index and how it is calculated. Shame on Fast Company for getting us excited and then dashing our hopes in generic platitudes.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 26, 2022 6:27 PM!

Why Do I Hate My Job? It Might Not Fit Your Personality - Bloomberg

Why Do I Hate My Job? It Might Not Fit Your Personality - Bloomberg | Retain Top Talent |
New research suggests aligning our personalities with our occupations leads to happiness and engagement.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

As a key element of my workshop on hiring, titled You;re NOT the Person I Hired, I recommend not hiring anyone until you first give them a personality assessment to determine fit with your culture and job alignment. Especially in sales - it's important to use a sales aptitude assessment to determine alignment with the type of selling. Not doing these as part of your interview process leads to a high failure rate or unhappy employees giving you weak effort.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 20, 2022 2:15 AM!

Why Managers Aren’t Worried About Quiet Quitting

Why Managers Aren’t Worried About Quiet Quitting | Retain Top Talent |
Wharton’s Matthew Bidwell explains why employers have bigger things to worry about than employees who are quiet quitting, a phrase that describes doing the bare minimum at work.…Read More...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I concur with this article. You'll always have folks who try to get by doing the absolute minimum necessary to receive a payroll check. You should be moving these folks systematically out of the organization. Find employees who are self-motivated, want to learn and grow, and want to have an impact, make a difference. These are your pareto employees - the ones you should be seeking to fill openings and wrapping your arms around to not allow them to leave your organization. STOP worrying about the bottom performers.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 20, 2022 2:09 AM!

What to say and do when your employee asks for a raise — Quartz at Work

What to say and do when your employee asks for a raise — Quartz at Work | Retain Top Talent |
Quartz at Work is a guide to being a better manager, building a career, and navigating the modern workplace.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This has to be one of the most awkward conversations managers have with their staff. Some good ideas and tips are presented in this article when your employee comes to you and asks for a raise.

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