Retain Top Talent
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Retain Top Talent
Hiring top talent is only the start. Now you have to work hard to keep your very best talent. Most companies stink at structured and systematic retention of their top performers. Discover how to prevent turnover and keep your best people.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 3, 2021 8:19 PM!

Employee Recognition: The Key to Customer Satisfaction

Employee Recognition: The Key to Customer Satisfaction | Retain Top Talent |
Employee recognition is crucial to companies' business success. Learn in what specific ways it improves customer satisfaction.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Many Vistage size companies treat recognition and non-monetary rewards like it's an afterthought. Many abandoned whatever they were doing when Covid hit. My belief is that you should double down on recognition when some or all of your workforce is virtual. The thing I liked most about this article was the linkage between recognized employees/engaged employees and customer satisfaction.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 10, 2020 7:12 PM!

Covid-19: business continuity depends on culture | theHRD

Covid-19: business continuity depends on culture | theHRD | Retain Top Talent |
this isn’t a coronavirus story; it’s a future of work story.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here's the quote that struck me hard from the article:


"This isn’t a coronavirus story; it’s a future of work story."


The author indicates that by focusing on technology to improve how we communicate (video conferencing, reward tracking, performance tools, chat tools like Slack or Yammer, and project management tools) along with fixing the culture - you can have a dramatic impact on the success of your organization.


Are we using this forced change in work to look at as a silver lining that prompts us to re-evaluate how we communicate, engage, disrupt, and continually improve and strengthen the organization?


OR are we so limited in our imagination that all we're hoping for is to pick up where we left off in mid-March?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 10, 2020 7:17 PM!

How to Set Your Virtual Employees Up For Success

How to Set Your Virtual Employees Up For Success | Retain Top Talent |
Virtual employees and teams often fail because of lack of engagement and miscommunication.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here's the quote that got me (wish I had some real metrics or quantification on this issue):


Virtual employees and teams often fail because of lack of engagement and miscommunication.


Are you improving right now how your employees and teams are engaging and communicating in all directions - up/down/sideways and with internal and external customer teams?


OR are you paralyzed by fear and inaction allowing your competitors who are making positive changes to leap ahead of you.


One of my current programs that I'm teaching, a 60-90 minute webinar on Managing Remotely in a Crisis, primarly for Vistage Groups and Members, has taken off like a rocket. Most organizations are frantically searching for solutions on how to improve the way in which employees and teams are working remotely. It's the new normal. It's fresh ground. None of us have ever experience this before. What are the best practices?

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