Retain Top Talent
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Retain Top Talent
Hiring top talent is only the start. Now you have to work hard to keep your very best talent. Most companies stink at structured and systematic retention of their top performers. Discover how to prevent turnover and keep your best people.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 10, 2020 6:59 PM!

The keys to managing the business curve of COVID-19

The keys to managing the business curve of COVID-19 | Retain Top Talent |
To manage the business curve of COVID-19, start by understanding the three phases of this crisis: Panic and Disruption, Fear and Isolation, and Recovery and the New Normal.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting article laying out 3 phases your employees are going to experience during the Corona Virus Crisis. Are we still in the phase of panic and disruption? Or have we moved yet to Fear and Isolation?


My perception of speaking with almost 500 Vistage CEOs in my webinars on Managing Remotely in a Crisis over the past 3 weeks is that most companies are way behind the 8 ball in moving forward. There is panic, desperation, confusion, and uncertainity. Many CEOs are paralyzed by what is happening and have not yet laid out a plan to their workforce for the next 3-6 months.


How do we use these phases to engage our employees, and quickly return to an effective and productive organization that continues to build and strengthen their culture?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 10, 2020 6:43 PM!

Working From Home During Covid-19

Working From Home During Covid-19 | Retain Top Talent |
     As the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic has escalated, businesses are trying to be proactive with their employee and customers’ hea...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here are some good tips for employees about how to work at home - especially for those for which this is a new experience. I'm finding most of my clients are NOT providing coaching and resources to help their employees be more effective as a remote worker. The assumption is just work the same as you did in the office - nothing could be further from the truth. Your employees desperately crave your guidance, coaching , and support in how to be productive and successful while working from home.

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